

Become a Contributor

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We are proud to have some of the brightest minds in the industry share their thought leadership and experience with our audience.  These contributors provide valuable insights from both a Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and a Business-to-Business (B2B) perspective helping us truly create a “Business-to-Community” experience.

How To Get Started

Read our contributor guidelines
If you are interested in becoming a contributor and/or syndicating your PR with us, please fill out our online application form to get started, and be prepared to provide the following:

Main guidelines:

1. The Press Release should be exhaustive within the chosen topic and the reader audience. We appreciate narrow-focused stories explored from different angles that give a unique or more detailed insight compared to similar publications.

2. All claims that you make should be backed by facts. We aren’t fond of expressions like: ‘Everybody knows, ‘It’s obvious’, etc. Include relevant links to trusted and open sources of information.

3. Use images, provide captions, and make sure that you have the right to use them. If you’re using graphs or illustrations from other sources, make sure to provide a link to the original. If you’ve created your own scheme or diagram, our designers will adapt them to suit our corporate style.

4. Carefully structure your text. Most readers on the web screen through content rather than reading every letter. So, make sure to break your thought monolith into logical blocks and enrich them with clear subtitles.

5. Make your insights actionable. Ask yourself whether a reader will be able to act upon your advice right away after going through your story. If the answer is yes, you’re on the right track.